5 Workplace Learning Trends To Watch For In 2020

Learning at the workplace is an important value to instill in this ever-changing world. But what exactly to learn and how exactly to pass on that value in an organization with different roles and positions, and what exactly are the major skills to learn in 2020?

We asked the HR practitioners and experts to share their opinions on the same. The level zero rule turns out to be to integrate more and more diversity and exciting but useful skills training + test-taking through the LMS integration. That becomes the basis of the overall challenge of creating an adaptive learning atmosphere in the workplace.

What next? Follow a few advice from the experts given below.

Constant Upskilling & Reskilling

Kristen Mills, from ATD, says, “The future of work demands a near-constant cycle of upskilling and reskilling to keep employee knowledge and capabilities current and organizations competitive.”

Paul Mumma, CEO of Cerego says, “Teaching people based on their individual needs will certainly be a trend in L&D in the upcoming year, as it’s a win-win for both business and employee development”

Falguni Bhuta from Kahoot says, “Be it investing in video conferencing capabilities, ways to get teams to interact and engage with each other online or invest in tools that allow smooth communications between a distributed workforce”

Manager Training For A Better Leadership

When you make the leader or the manager more equipped with people management skills, he can pass on the learning values and enthusiasm to other employees too.

Tania Luna from Lifelabs Learning says, “Not only are companies asking for it, but managers are also hungry for it as well. The most popular learning focus, from our experience, is manager development.”

Soft Skills Training For A Communicable Staff

Paul Mumma says, “Up until the last few years, workplace training has focused on teaching a very tangible set of skills, usually related to a person’s title. Employees will need to become more fluid learners, knowledgeable on topics both inside and outside of their specific fields.

Corporations will augment or replace their LMS instead of developing a constellation of different products and tools to best serve their L&D programs.”

Collaborations With Educators 

Kiara Graham from D2L says, “More than ever we’re seeing educators reaching out to workforce partners to identify the skills that employers need and then working in collaboration to develop and deliver programs that create a reliable stream of qualified candidates.

Workforce and education partnership and collaborations in the form of continuing education, apprenticeships, internships, and so on is much more than a growing trend. These partnerships are a must-have in the face of widespread technological disruption and change.”

Using AI in L&D

Paul Mumma says, “In the next year, we’ll continue to implement AI that increases human potential through L&D programs. For example, AI enables people to learn at the best of their capacity. It’s easier for a computer to implement practices like precisely spaced repetitions, or frequent testing than it would be for a human to self-implement these reminders.”

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